GLIM – DDW 2019

During Dutch Design Week Eigengijs x Jordie Rovers presented their results of a research on the attraction of shiny objects in contrast to used products. They investigated the effect of adding shiny parts to an object or image. In oder to increase the attractive value. They did this within their own disciplines, expertise and interests. By using the same materials and techniques.

Furniture design studio Eigengijs applies this experiment to forgotten pieces of furniture and objects from the days of his grandparents. Objects that end up in thrift stores and landfill sites on a large scale. This is something that he, as a furniture maker, finds difficult to understand. As someone who knows how to make furniture, he knows of the craftsmanship behind these pieces.  He wants to know the answer to the following question: Does the myth of the magpie apply to humanity?

Graphic artist Jordie Rovers incorporates this experiment into his work. In a period of investigating archeological sites he came across appealing traces of life left by mankind. He is exploring aspects like value, context, and esthetics of the historical left overs exposed in modern times. Reviving the artifacts will be the main message of his prints in which he plays with new materials and the attraction of humans towards shiny objects.